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Posted by Jason on August 03, 2004 at 15:32:17:

I'm a big reader in my dry-time, just wondered if anybody else out reads a lot, and if so, if they're into scuba/ marine life oriented topics.

Some stuff I've read that I've enjoyed has been "Submerged," By Lenihan (I think), "Silent World" by Costeau, "Blue Water Hunters" by Terry Maas, and various dive magazines. I've also really enjoyed some scuba films like "Blue Water, White Death", the white shark documentary. I'd like to check out the "Shadow Divers" book, which was just published. Has anybody out there read that yet?

I think books are probably the reason I was so interested in scuba, now that I think about it. When I was like 6 I won some National Geographic book about sea life and was enthralled by it, particularly attracted to a few select pages depicting a scuba diver and their equipment... For the next 13 years, that memory was pushing me to learn to dive, until I finally did!
I was also watched "Anatomy of a Bite" last night, (loaned to me by a friend) and thought it was totally amazing.. though definitely and unfortunately sensationalized. Still, well worth watching!

Anyways, I'm curious- has anybody out there read any good books that enhance their enjoyment of diving?

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