Re: Advice wanted for Maine-iacs first dive visit to Catalina Is.

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Posted by Barry Johnson on August 05, 2004 at 12:02:30:

In Reply to: Advice wanted for Maine-iacs first dive visit to Catalina Is. posted by Maine-ly2Scuba on August 05, 2004 at 05:34:35:

I agree with Chris...5mm will only suffice if you're doing one dive. Hooded vest is also key. I use a 7.5mm suit with a hooded vest in water that is 53 degrees on average and I rarely get cold (if I do it is my hands first, and that's because my gloves are only 3mm).

It's hard to go wrong with any of the companies already mentioned. I've got about the same # of dives as you so my Catalina experience is limited. I've never been to the backside but my favorite site so far on the frontside is Isthmus Reef. There's a great wall there that goes down to around 100ft if not more and has plenty to see at any depth.

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