Re: O2

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Posted by lragsac on August 19, 2004 at 22:37:19:

In Reply to: Re: O2 posted by Elaine on August 19, 2004 at 17:22:23:

Elaine, Susan is right. The point I was trying to make is that, if you are DAN O2 provider trained (and I am), I think it's okay to have your own O2 kit, but only to shorten that lag time of being totally w/o treatment until you receive professional treatment/evaluation. You may, for example, come home from a shore or boat dive one day and, an hour later, experience some symptoms such as you described. Having the O2 available could be helpful while you are arranging to get yourself to the ER or chamber. I've experienced the "chain of events" you describe and even though I was lucky enough to get transported directly to UCSD, it was hours before I hit the chamber, as the ER docs, neurologists, and diving medicine doc tried to figure out if I even had DCS. In fact, some 6 1/2 hours elapsed from the time of onset of symptoms until I started my chamber treatment.

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