
Re: Re: 1,100-pound tiger shark

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Posted by Roger on July 27, 2005 at 20:06:31:

In Reply to: Re: 1,100-pound tiger shark posted by Brooke on July 27, 2005 at 14:16:42:

I can never resist posting to this kind of thread. Anytime a sport fisherman catches a shark or whatever, everybody says how horrible sportfishing is.

Meanwhile, the commercials keep right on fishing, and their stuff goes quietly overboard as bycatch or gets processed. No pictures in the paper, no fuss on the internet.

this shark derby, how many boats were in it? Let's say 25. A couple guys on each boat maybe. 12 hours maybe. So that's maybe 100 hooks in the water, for 12 hours, or, in commercial terms, 1200 hook-hours. If you don't like those numbers, double them, triple them, whatever you want.

Now, take a look at any of these links, and tell me it's the sport fisherman and the occaisional shark derby that is the problem.

(I could only find samoan landings, couldn't find any for NE or SE US, but you get the idea). (and when you look at the # kept, don't tell me a longliner released them alive and in good health. Look up "bycatch" on google.)






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