
Re: Re: All divers and fishermen have to help on this one!

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by NeXuS CeNtRaL on September 16, 2005 at 11:28:49:

In Reply to: Re: All divers and fishermen have to help on this one! posted by XOX on September 16, 2005 at 09:24:19:

I think we all know where you are coming from Jim.

From: www.diver.net/bbs/posts001/55549.shtml

“I don't need to see my name on the board, nor do I need to advertise my company, but I have to admit it is fun to cause trouble sometimes.”

From: www.diver.net/bbs/messages/52984.shtml

“This board is all about entertainment. Here you have a group of bored office workers and in my case a bored dive shop worker, BSing on the internet(it almost has a high school mentally, look at all the drama, and egos, it is way to funny).There really is almost nothing written on this board that that I care about, it’s all BS.I don’t care if you remove the post, I’m just giving you guys a hard time(you should know that by now, I will say that you have been quick removing lots of my post over the years, some of them were very funny to).This board is about entertainment and BS and that all( with a few pretty pictures, thrown in sometimes).”

From: Diver.net. Not archived, but copied before the moderator could delete it from the message list.

“I really don’t care what people think. I like nothing more than to stir the pot and get as many people upset as possible. Makes the cry babies here come out of their shells.It is really a lot of fun to watch. I use many different aliases so I can keep the snoops guessing at the BS. Some are well know to be me and some are not.You to should do it somtime.It’s easy to accuse in a stab and run fashions... (a portion of this message has been edited due to inappropriate language and personal insult)... because I know he can’t defend himself with my grey facts as I present them. I enjoy being on that border of slander, it is a kind of rush I really enjoy.Remember its is fun to cause trouble. But in the end it’s all BS.”

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