
Re: That isn't even funny.

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Posted by OhMyGawd on September 23, 2005 at 22:52:55:

In Reply to: That isn't even funny. posted by Elaine on September 23, 2005 at 22:01:04:

In your post you agreed with the assumption that someone who is asian does not speak or read english. By definition that assumption is racist, plain and simple.

Your post again:
"If there was someone they could pick out that maybe they weren't sure could speak or read English maybe they were trying to keep you out of trouble. I know that sounds too basic to be true and I wasn't there but it would make sense to me. "

How did they pick that person out? Was he yelling, "me no speaka englis, me no reada enlgis". Oh, I guess they where just trying to help. Sort of like the police officer that helps a black person that must be lost because they are in Beverly Hills....

"Maybe I am exposed to a much more multicultrual environment than you are on a daily beasis. And, many of the individuals in this multicultural environment don't speak english. "

Wow, thats an awesome way to justify bigotry. I see a bunch of multicultural people (translation - nonwhite) each day and they don't speak english. Therefore, nonwhite people don't speak english.

Whats funny is normaly I'd be arguing that people are overly sensitive and too quick to yell racism.

Elaine, I'm sure you are a nice person, but you need to reevaluate your statements.

Lance Allan

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