
Loading up lobster traps

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by canyon diver on September 27, 2005 at 17:22:21:

I was down at Fish Harbor in San Pedro today and saw a flat bed semi truck with about a thousand lobster traps on it. They were loading them onto the dock while three boat waited in turn.

How many traps can these guys have anyway ? San Clemente and the backside of Catalina must of had 5000 or 6000 traps last year. They had them every 100 ft. all around San Clemente.

I am new to diving and last year a commerical lobster guy yelled at me for diving near his trap. We never even saw the trap underwater we were just swimming back to the boat on the surface and I guess we were too close to his float. The next dive he came back and threw a seal bomb in the water. He said he will call the Fish and Game if we didn't keep 500 meters away from his traps.

Has anyone else had any problems ?

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