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Posted by Chuck Tribolet on September 27, 2005 at 17:45:09:

In Reply to: If you just show up and dive it do the Rangers take action? posted by Scott on September 27, 2005 at 09:42:50:

The Pt. Lobos State Reserve is probably 2/3 water, and only about
10-15% of the water is open to diving. The rest is closed, even
the rangers need permission from Sacramento to dive there.

You can't just come in from outside with a boat and dive. If you
could, the Monterey commercial boats would be there all the time.

Most likely they'll just kick your butt out. Give the ranger any
lip, you'll probably get a citation. You also won't be popular
with the other divers who did the work to get their reservations.

If you are hunting, expect a citation for the hunting. It runs
several hundred dollars. BTW, you aren't allowed to have any
hunting or fishing equipment in your possesion (even locked in the
trunk of your car) while in the reserve.


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