
If you just show up and dive it do the Rangers take action?

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Posted by Scott on September 27, 2005 at 09:42:50:

In Reply to: Yes, seemed like a big hassle to do the swim out to a boat posted by Scott on September 27, 2005 at 09:34:03:

just read your post further down before posting the last msg.

It appears I am incorrect in thinking that any boat with divers can access the Pt Logos waters (by boat and not touching shore) and dive it.
Chuck, is this correct?
Do they police the boats who enter elsewhere and never touch park land?

Posted by Chuck Tribolet on September 26, 2005 at 07:54:24:
In Reply to: What a strange pain in the tail way to have to dive there. posted by Elaine on September 26, 2005 at 00:00:31:

The rule is that all divers have to check in and out at the
gate. This is the only way to do it if you bring the boat
in from outside (well, there is another way, but it's even
more work and not suitable for a large group).

The easy way is BYOB (Bring Your Own Boat) though the gate and
launch it at Whalers, where there is a launch ramp of sorts. I
do that with some regularity.


I thought this might be the original topic:
"if people are diving Pt Lobos who launched elsewhere and never touched park grounds, do they still have to pay?"
I believe the answer would have been "no"

Follow Ups:
  • Ans: yes Chuck Tribolet 17:45:09 09/27/05 (0)

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