
Re: Re: Re: Reflection

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Posted by DJ on October 26, 2005 at 22:33:12:

In Reply to: Re: Re: Reflection posted by Kio on October 26, 2005 at 13:37:41:

There are two considerations. There is an ocean engineering saying that, "He who hesitates at the air-sea interface is lost."
What this has to do with surge is that when you are at some depth and have surge, the water flows predictably over or around obstacles so it tends to push you over or around obstacles, not through them. If you are shallow enough so that the effect of the surface comes into play, the motion of the water is far less predictable as are bouyancy effects. The short of this is to not risk shallows in surge.

The second has to do with the exit. If it start becoming too surgey to enjoy diving, there is a good chance the exit will be knarley, so it is better to start thinking about ending the dive early if the surges starts increasing significantly.

Regarding the exit in my story, patience is the key. Waves and lulls come in cycles, and sometimes you just have to hang out for a while to get a feel for the cycle before coming in on what you know is a lull.

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