
Re: HP or LP

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Posted by Bob Sapp on October 31, 2005 at 00:49:07:

In Reply to: HP or LP posted by Jeff Shaw on October 30, 2005 at 16:52:39:

Always buy a HP tank if you can afford it. Period.

Lets look at the obvious:
-a HP80 is basically the same tank as a LP65
-a HP100 is basically the same tank as a LP72
-a HP120 is basically the same tank as a LP95

Basically the same means same weight, height and diameter when empty.

Now why buy a LP95 when you can buy a HP120? If you fill it to 2250, you will get 95cf. If you fill it to 3500, you get 120cf.

Yes if you are cheap and fill your own tanks or know people that will, buy a LP steel tank and overfill it.

It is a big scam as far as I see it. The HP PST tanks weigh EXACTLY the same as their old LP counterparts.

If they thickened the walls or something to take the higher pressure they would need to add weight to it. I think they just got a new sticker from DOT and put a DIN valve to sell it for more.

Same steel, same tank.

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