Posted by Max Bottomtime on December 17, 2005 at 20:08:36:
Date: December 17, 2005 Dive Location: Wreck of the Jenny Lynne Buddy(ies): Ross-O and Brian B. Time: 9:51 Bottom Time: :55 Max Depth: 139' Vis: 30'+ Temp at depth: 58F Comments: What a great day for diving the south side of Palos Verdes! Our first stop was the wreck of the Jenny Lynne, a fishing trawler that sank off Marineland last year. It was my fourth attempt at diving her, and the first with good visibility. I could see the top of the mast from the deck, and the multitude of metridiums, hydroids and fish everywhere.

Date: December 17, 2005 Dive Location: Buchanan's Reef Buddy(ies): Ross-O Elaine Jobin Time: 12:06 Bottom Time: 1:07 Max Depth: 53' Vis: 30'+ Temp at depth: 58F Comments: Elaine joined in the fun for dive 2. We didn't find as many nudibranchs as I do on the main reef at Marineland, but the conditions were so good, we didn't care. I found one nudi I hadn't seen before, Flabellina trilineata about five minutes after my camera batteries died. As Ross and I ascended, there was a large pipefish hanging out at the dive ladder. I allowed it to rest on my hand while Ross took pictures. We then took it back down to the reef.

Date: December 17, 2005 Dive Location: Wreck of the F.S. Loop Buddy(ies): Elaine Jobin Time: 2:38 Bottom Time: 1:02 Max Depth: 70' Vis: 40'+ Temp at depth: 58F Comments: This was the best vis I have ever seen on any of the wrecks near the breakwalls. While making a 20' deco stop I could still see Elaine snapping away with her Nikonos V at 70 feet. The section of the wreck we dived today was covered by Gorgonians, with many nudibranchs on the wreck. Among them were Tritonia festiva, Acanthodoris hudsoni, Acanthodoris rhodoceras and Doriopsilla spaldingi. We also spotted two Blue-ring Topsnails. It was some of the best conditions I've seen in awhile.
