
This happened to me while diving in the Mediterranean

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Posted by scubavili on March 14, 2006 at 06:09:37:

In Reply to: Nobody on the boat while diving. posted by Bob S. on March 10, 2006 at 07:57:21:

A couple of years ago I was diving on an dive excursion arrainged by a dive center called "paradise diving" in Krete Island, Greece. We were taken by a Zodiac to the dive site that was in the open water. The dive was led by an instructor and there was nobody on the boat.

When we surfaced, the boat was gone. No sight of it. The panic started to rise. Waves were not very big, but big enough to make floating very uncomfortable. The divers held on to each other and started waiting for rescue. The water was warm but some of us started to get really chilly.

Lukcy for us, some other dive center was going back to shore from another dive site and they found our boat floating without anybody onboard. They recognized the boat and radioed their dive center and asked them to call our dive center and find out where we had been diving. After floating horrified an hour and a half, they towed our boat to us and we jumped onboard.

The owner of the dive center demanded a payment for the trip. None of us paid. I dont know about the others but that was the last time I ever dive leaving the boat unattended. Maybe I would if I knew the dive site is close enough to the shore and the shore is safe to enter from the ocean.

If youre about to dive from the boat of your own, I strongly suggest you pay somebody with boat handling skills, to stay on the boat.

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