
Re: Solo Diving . . .Not a Recommended Practice

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by Kevrumbo on July 07, 2006 at 03:25:38:

In Reply to: Re: solo diving posted by FARMHAND on July 06, 2006 at 21:45:16:

. . . But can be reasonably done if suitably prepared.
To wit:

Training in the usage of Manifold/Isolation Valve Doubles, and a kit set-up similar to this ("The Peleliu Survival Pack")--

X-Shorts or Drysuit Left Pocket: Dive Alert Horn, 75' Spool, Spare Mask, EMT Shears, Signal Mirror & Strobe, folding snorkel.
Right Pocket: 100' Spool, Extra-Double Ender Bolt Snap, & Wetnotes for a Record Log (or impromptu Last Will & Testament!).
Backplate MC Storage Pak: 80lb. Liftbag/SMB, also used for Redundant/Emergency Buoyancy in case of Wing Failure at depth.
Backplate Bottom Edge Mounted: Halcyon Diver's Life Raft in pouch, secured with Bungie Shock Cord (http://www.halcyon.net/mc/dlr.shtml ).
Hydration Bag (http://www.deepseasupply.com/page22.html ).
Primary 10W HID and two back-up Scout lights.
Personal EPIRB in a depth rated waterproof canister.

Also give the DM of the boat, or the Lifeguard on the Beach (or at least a friend, relative, significant other etc.) an idea of your Location, Profile and Total Dive Time. . .

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