
The real problem with air fills at Sport Chalet

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Posted by Elaine on July 28, 2006 at 21:06:03:

I took my tanks in to Sport Chalet for fills. "It will take about 20 minutes if you want to go shop."

I needed new sneekers so I headed up to the "athletic shoe" department and found a pair that I really liked.

Shoe box in hand I still had 10 minutes to kill. I started browsing in the bicycle department. I can't ride my very old Schwin Le Tour 10 speed any more because it makes my neck hurt. I found a cool 3 speed in the bicycle line up - different style than my old bike - you can ride it in a normal position like the bike you had as a kid. I rode it around the store a couple of times and I was sold.

New tennies and new hot pink 3 speed bicycle in hand I head back downstairs to pick up my filled scuba tanks..................

(PS - the Pink Bicycle is cute - it has fenders and a rear luggage rack) - now if I can just find streamers for the handle bars and a clothes pin for a card on the back wheel.

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