
Re: Mike, you don't get it do you?

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Posted by Franc on July 31, 2006 at 13:29:57:

In Reply to: Mike, you don't get it do you? posted by Elaine on July 11, 2006 at 10:31:53:

Warning. If you are easily offended by what’s been going on here in recent weeks, don’t read any further. Hit your back button and skip this thread.

As I sit here in the store I laugh at what I read here. You don’t need me to start up the crap anymore, and it’s not my intent to start now because you are all doing just fine by yourselves. But me being me I have to call BS when I see it, and I’m seeing tons of it this month.

Elaine Jobin. you need to not worry about, nor respond to, anything you don’t want to be involved in. If you don’t wish enter into a public dialogue with Michael Kane by responding to his questions, then don’t. No one will think less of you for not doing it. Just keep on popping up you pretty little head now and again to give us those cute photos and trip reports. I know where you are coming from when you said that when MHK was expelled from the diver.net website long ago your world blossomed. But please give us a break! You must not have any self esteem or a high opinion of yourself if you let jokers like him controls you in that way. He’s just a guy with an opinion and he sounds like he wants to open up a community dialogue. The dialogue is one that some people don’t want to discuss for some strange personal reason. I recognize that personal is personal, but in your case it’s become painfully obvious you don’t want engage anyone if they were to question you about dives you did. So do everyone a favor and just avoid it all together. Just go dive and have fun. We all know the real back story wink! wink!

Michael Kane. It has been told numerous eff-ing times that you have a long history of being mean to people when espousing DIR. To give you credit though I can honestly say, without snickering this time, that you are not being mean to people in this round. Quite to contrary you have been civil and direct. Others have been responding to you by calling you names like bully, a-hole, and for some strange reason a leopard. Hypocrites all of them I say as they are exactly what they accuse you of being. There are divers here who don’t agree with you asking those hard questions and no matter how direct or polite to table it, they historically take the only knee-jerk option they could think of in their frustration in avoiding the answers. They censured your access and perhaps edited or deleted your posts. That sucks I know, but it puts the editors here in the light of day they chose. Guess from now on if they don’t like you, no matter how nice you are about starting what can be a very important discussion, you get edited, deleted, or denied access. Yeah it’s bitch-sad, but that’s what happens when you were “bad” once. The elephant behind the scenes of diver.net has a marvelous memory.

About the elephant. It’s the 6 thousand pounder that’s in the room everyone sees, but no one wants to talk about. Chris Grossman you have the social grace as that same elephant in a china shop. As one of many who over reacted you chose to respond to Kane’s questions by performing some kind of IP checking of sock puppets. You let the stuff that hurts you, poor baby, get deleted. You allow the stuff that hurts MHK to remain. Hypocritical yes? Then you used un-substantiated information in an attempt to find out if MHK is using alternate identities to bolster his position. So what? You know darned good and well that was mediocre medicine show crap. Wave unverified facts and figures in front of a frothing crowd and watch them go. Your psychopathies with your board appear to be well documented. People like you shouldn’t be throwing stones from what I gather. I was told by my internet guru that as the managing administrator of a web site, you can fabricate anything you need to make anyone look as if they posted with sock puppet names. For what reason would you do that other than frustration in dealing with him up front and publicly? We could understand your hell bent effort if he was attacking people and calling them names but he wasn’t. What about all those times diver.net sock puppets were insulting others by calling them names in the past? Did you do their IP checking as well? Or, did you feel that just because you weren’t involved you would let it continue?

I find it offensive that you have others like Evil Jeff doing the same dirty work for you and for what reason? Because you didn’t like questions so you don’t want to see answered? What covert crap do you have seahunt and Terry May doing for you for that matter?

You now have proven that you do save IP check results. What are you doing with them? Who have you been giving them to? Who else have you been IP checking and emailing the results to lately? Think very very very hard now and make sure you review your sent email history folder before you answer that question. We would all hate to see one of those nasties from the past pop up and cause great embarrassment to the people you call friends to their faces, but consider otherwise behind their backs.

To all of you out there who think you can write anonymously to avoid being ridiculed for answering a post honestly, or post a simple scuba question without worrying about being embarrassed, those days are over on diver.net. This place is definitely not a free and open board for scuba discussions.

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