
Weight of fins

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Posted by Elaine on August 23, 2006 at 12:06:41:

In Reply to: No ankle weights for this photographer. posted by Chuck Tribolet on August 23, 2006 at 11:56:48:

The weight of fins factors in there too. Evidentally some of them now days are quite heavy and that would change the need for ankle weights.

I also am getting a little arthritis in my neck. If I swim at all head down and then spend all day looking up, I live with a sore neck for days. It doesn't look like good trim, but, I like to be a little head up. It beats days of pain. I'm trimmed the way that works for me, and, I'm weighted for my camera set ups.

I adapt my equipment to suit my needs - some of them are just "getting older" issues. I assume that others do the same.

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