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Posted by Ross Overstreet on September 14, 2006 at 13:03:44:

In Reply to: Back to the ankle weights posted by Jeff Shaw on September 13, 2006 at 19:48:52:

Should one strive to dive in a posture such that a line drawn from their head to their knee is horizonal and mostly keep their feet above them?

Should one use a drysuit as a primary means of bouyancy?

Should one configure their gear to minimize drag and maximize manueverability?

Well, it depends on what your goals are.

Some of my buddies want to improve their diving skills and be able to safely do "bigger" dives. Some of my buddies could care less how they look underwater as long as they get the photo, bug, brass, thrill, or whatever else they're seeking that day.

I sucked at hunting bugs when I was trying to be all pretty & proper underwater. Good bug hunting is a down-n-dirty business. Photography & artifact hunting probably fall on either side of bug hunting. Sometimes you have to grab hold of something or plant yourself to get a good shot. Some of my most successful artifact huntings buddies don't even know how to swim - they mostly crawl & dig :-) That button on the hose over the left shoulder is only there so they can get the big porthole back to the boat.

Diving styles have a lot in common with sexual fetishes. There's a huge spectrum from vanilla to "you've got to be kidding me, you think THAT is fun!". When it gets so weird that one group is starting to get sick there's another group of people out there who are just started to get turned on.

I love to see people who are really pretty in the water like the team from Discover California Diving (http://www.destinationproductions.com/DiscoverCaliforniaDiving/), but I feed off the energy and passion of 'em all.


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