
Re: Have Faith...

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by Don on November 26, 2006 at 23:06:24:

In Reply to: I don't think they have any like it posted by Elaine on November 26, 2006 at 15:51:32:

Elain, Sorry about your lost cylinder, lost gear in pro hands totally SUCKS and is not excusable! I don't know if it was red or blue colored, but it was prolly Annodized Aluminum, this process impregnates the metal's surface and is awesome durable.

I get around the Aluminum Cylinder buoyancy swing issue by slipping a 5Lb., all steel, dumbell flat weight in the tank boot, a cheap fix for cheap tanks, I use'em all the time.

...it's hard to believe that Sport Chalet chain actually started as a Scuba Store, and today it seems S.C.U.B.A. is only an inconvenient department to most of their store managers.

Support your local LDS!!! American Diving in Lomita is gone, Where's Steve? Sheesh, I miss him! Reefseekers is going reorganizing with NO known new destination and only one partner, who's next?... Elain, E-me if you think you need some personal and professional service for your life supporting dive gear from a reputable and respected shop and tech crew, Sincerely.

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