
My dad did it... Sort of.

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Posted by Jeff Shaw on January 02, 2007 at 19:24:22:

In Reply to: One of the Monterey whale watch boats did the same thing posted by Chuck Tribolet on January 02, 2007 at 18:05:39:

My dad was a ham, and actually had a little ham shack with a big antenna on top.

Little ol me wandered in and started the endless questions.

Dad, why does...?
Dad, why does...?
Dad, why does...?
Dad, why does...?

He oblijed untill I asked how the TV worked.

Dad went into a 45 minute lesson describing electron guns, cathodes, phosporous, rastor scans and all that I could stuff in my head. Then he realized that he had left the mic on....

There was an army of Ham radio operators in tears when he finally flipped the mic off...

Here is a picture of the actual mic...

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