
Long Wharf attempt 2

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on September 30, 2007 at 18:50:46:

Merry and I went up to make another attempt at finding the pilings of Long Wharf again. Normally, the visibility is best in the Fall months in Southern California. After two days of Santa winds we had a window to get in. The last time we dived here the visibility was measured in inches, and not many of them. Today we had about five feet. We figured with that kind of vis, we would surely find the elusive 4700 foot pier. We dropped down right next to our first piling!
We followed the pilings southward, coming upon several dozen before reaching our turnaround point. The vis wasn't good enough for photography, although we saw some nice animals. A small Giant Seabass came up to us and seemed very interested in my fins. I got to practice my helicopter turns to avoid whatever he had in mind.
I lost my collection bag while putting my fins on. Fortunately, and sad at the same time, there were plenty of plastic bags on the site. We used them to collect shells. Merry found several nice examples and identified them quickly when we got home. She also found two chunks of coal. There was a coal bunker on the wharf at one time.
On a good note, I went to Vet's Park last night to pick up a new backplate from Eric Sedletsky for Ross-O. To my surprise, he gave me two plates. Merry had secretly been emailing Eric to buy a new plate for me as well. I set it up last night and dived it this morning. It is amazing having a 119 cubic foot steel tank on your back and not notice it. Thanks Merry and Eric!
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Topside view of the pilings we dived today
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A lobster finds the pilings make a nice bed

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