
1 + 1 = Dead Zone?

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Posted by seahunt on March 05, 2008 at 19:12:52:

I was just thinking random thoughts as I often do.
Could you imagine what would happen if we had a Dead Zone in the Channel
Islands like they have had in Oregon and other areas? Pretty ugly thought.
How long would it take to recover? The Marine Protection Zones would be
Well, from what I read it is an area where the plankton die and fall to
the bottom. Their decomposition takes all the oxygen out of the water and
everything asphyxiates.
Well, you may have noted that the Oregon folks said it was caused by overfishing of the anchovies. There was nothing to eat the plankton
and so it died and just went to the bottom. Viola, a dead zone.
Now everyone is talking about the squid boats stretching their lights from
horizon to horizon. As I recall, the squid largely live off of plankton.
So what is the squid population collapses? Would the plankton fall to the
bottom uneaten? It might be something to keep an eye on.
Enjoy the diving, seahunt

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