

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by Divebum Don on June 16, 2008 at 04:24:11:

In Reply to: Cav e ot posted by Divebum Don on June 16, 2008 at 03:19:32:

....as long as we're talking about L.D.'Shops'.... Has anybody experienced any bad customer relations? or bad customer service? at 'the other' Jeff Smith's, San Pedro, Pacific Wilderness Dive shop??

We seem to Bang on S.C., or D'n'S for being a "Surf" shop, but I've had BAD experiences @ Pac-Wild and I really don't care if they fold up and go away. They should take a lesson from South Bay neighbor "Eddie Talbot" @ ET Surf (Hermosa Bch.) about how to 'treat' people, AND I'd rather drive to Ken's Reefseekers for a free fill and good~vibe any day!

We need a NEW LDS in LA!!!!!
....and an efficient ongoing local Tech Program I believe is WAYYY underserved....

Let it RIP!!! ALL the shops need to hear it! That's what the internet is good at.... Heck, even I might ALSO need a 'course correction' ;-)
....soap box down.

Follow Ups:
  • Re: Hijack jeff smith/marvin baker 12:41:34 06/16/08 (0)

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