
Re: Re: Re: Santa Clarita Sport Chalet Lobster Report Cards

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Posted by gonphishing on August 31, 2008 at 17:12:19:

In Reply to: Re: Re: Santa Clarita Sport Chalet Lobster Report Cards posted by Sheller on August 31, 2008 at 16:15:34:

there are different issues with both sides. were not comparing apples to apples here. I as a diver, I don't feel I own the ocean. but am I willing to share it with china and japan. I don't know. lots of people over there. not to speak of the carbon foot print if you believe that sort of thing. if we didn't stop the commercial take of abalone up north. then there would be no abalone. just like down south. maybe it is time to let out fisheries recover.

I do enjoy, and feel, I have some kind of primal right to hunt and gather. and its not biased on economics.

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