
Re: 9/20 report

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Posted by Frank O on September 20, 2008 at 17:47:35:

In Reply to: 9/20 report posted by Scott S. on September 20, 2008 at 15:33:14:

Hey Scott, we were on the Avalon a little before you. Left Redondo around 8 a.m., sloppy seas and four-plus-foot, short-period rollers carving big furrows in the water. But vis was up to ~30 ft when we got down on the wreck. Highlight was a large school of barracuda that floated in and hovered. Jon found a small free-swimming scallop. Second dive was on the Crane, where a torpedo ray and harbor seal were seen; maybe 20-ft vis. Wind picked up steadily as the morning progressed, and it was work to get back to the harbor when we finished up around 12:30.

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