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Posted by Chuck Tribolet on November 29, 2008 at 17:06:09:

In Reply to: Re: Re: MLPA Planning Process, Call for Input - my first input is......... posted by Steve Benavides on November 28, 2008 at 10:39:24:

While things happen in the meetings, the boards are how you get
divers to stand up in the meetings and speak their piece, whatever
it may be. I really think the number of Bay Area divers that stood
up in all the meetings on the Central Coast MPAs made a real
difference. This was largely from Jesus Ruiz and John Wolfe (the
nonconsumptive diver reps) and Randy Herz (the alternate diver rep
to the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council)
and a couple of others being active on ba_diving and the NCUPS
lists, and the rest of us forwarding it on to our clubs.


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