
Re: Re: Re: Re: 2009 Spearfishing Nationals - Leo Carillo, August 6

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Posted by gonphishing on August 10, 2009 at 14:38:47:

In Reply to: Re: Re: Re: 2009 Spearfishing Nationals - Leo Carillo, August 6 posted by DiveIn805 on August 10, 2009 at 13:23:55:

I hear you. every time the tournaments hit my local area. it decimated the local fish stock for the year. in that area. I see the same attitudes with spear fishing with the locals with tanks. got to get a limit. every time. I know one guy that's all about limits here. and he doesn't even eat fish. says its for the family. I think its for his pleasure and ego. its hard to watch. I fish. but the more I see and feel. the more my views are changing. the world is changing. the times are changing. how long is all this going to be sustainable? and with all the other pressures. climate change. ect.. don't get me started. there is plenty to be said for rec fishing and how its dun as well. what we need is a good old plague to wipe some people out. maybe the swine flue will rear its ugly head and kill a bunch of americans by the end of the year. population control? I think the vaccines are just as bad if not worse if you do the research. there bypassing safety protocols. and rushing it to market. do you know what gos into such things. we have a good case study the last time the swine flue hit. more people..

and its hard to watch these free divers smash up and kill everything in sight to bring in fish to an area. this practice needs to stop if you ask me.

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