
Re: Re: Re: YouTube Sucks!!!

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Posted by Walt on September 28, 2009 at 09:04:27:

In Reply to: Re: Re: YouTube Sucks!!! posted by WalterMarti on September 27, 2009 at 22:16:13:

It likely not video content - did you get clearances on use of any music? This is a hot area for enforcement these days.

Use public domain tracks or a friend's tracks; getting clearance from and reporting to ASCAP/BMI is not worth the hassle for freely-shared videos.

The music industry is suffering and is going after small fish (so to speak). They realize that individuals can't afford the lawsuits and penalties.

YouTube is just protecting itself (and you in a roundabout way, but banning seems extreme). Yes it stinks but no one has accused the music industry of not being greedy.

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