
Does anybody here do any vintage diving?

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Posted by Eric S on October 26, 2009 at 07:39:05:

I just recently got into using some vintae gear and found it's a total kick!
I aquired an old Aqualung DA Aquamaster from a friend in trade for a freedom plate and rebuilt the whole thing with all modern updated parts, tuned it up and it It works great.
I went out the other day just to Stillwater (calm flat cove) and gave it a whirl, it was loads of fun.

I was thinking, it would be kinda cool to put on some kind of vintage event down in Socal where all this stuff originally started. I've been looking at some of those old Sea Hunt reruns and getting quite inspired. Seeing OML and the cobble beach gave me an idea that we should consider doing some sort of Sea Hunt style reunion vintage dive to kind of relive and/or to pay homage to this great sport and it's roots. It may not be a bad photo op and also possibly a little media coverage, which never hurts. I think it would be unique enough that it may gather some attention.

So my question is: Who out there has a working double hose or a DH reg that's all there that just needs to be rebuilt?
Would anybody else be into doing something like this. What about Terranea Resort, do you think they might get into it and possibly give some sort of deal on rooms for an event. I would have to contact them and see just what their resort is all about. Maybe somebody more familiar with the setup can elaborate.

Vintage diving is becoming quite popular. There are vintage enthusiasts spread all across America. I'm sure with enough heads up I could gather up quite a few people.

Is this just silliness? Personally I think it would be fun. Besides, I've always wanted to dive OML and what better way than using a 'lung and an oval mask?

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