
Re: So you want to be an underwater hunter?

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Posted by Chris on November 01, 2009 at 12:19:24:

In Reply to: So you want to be an underwater hunter? posted by JohnC on November 01, 2009 at 01:07:07:

Shooting Sheephead has all the sport of shooting lab puppies. They are good for the reef since they help keep urchins under control.

If you want to hunt go after species that do not spend their lives in one area like halibut or yellowtail. Both these species take skill. Halibut require hours of swimming over sand. Yellowtail and other pelagics require you hang with bait schools in currents, conditions you won't be able to access from most dive charters.

The best places to dive and take pictures is where there are strong currents. These are places that are beyond the ability of most divers, so most charters don't go there because they have to cater to the lowest skilled divers.

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