
Re: WWII Era Destroyer found off San Clemente

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Posted by Chuck Tribolet on December 17, 2009 at 13:50:36:

In Reply to: WWII Era Destroyer found off San Clemente posted by Kendall Raine on December 15, 2009 at 14:37:17:

Well done, guys.

I remember building a model of the USS The Sulivans when I was a kid.

http://abbot.us/DD629/fletcher/ has a good list of the Fletcher
class cans and the possibilities are:

DD 507 USS Conway Intentionally sunk as target 1970-6-26
DD 521 USS Kimberly Sunk as target 2003 Taiwan Navy (unlikely)
DD 528 USS Mullany Decommissioned 1999-7-16 Taiwan Navy (unlikely)
DD 539 USS Tingey Intentionally Sunk 1966-5-1
DD 540 USS Twining Decommissioned 1999-7-16 Taiwan Navy (unlikely)
DD 541 USS Yarnall Decommissioned 1999-10-16 Taiwan Navy (unlikely)
DD 569 USS Aulick Decommissioned/Stricken 1992-10-25 Greek Navy (unlikely)
DD 571 USS Claxton Sold to Greece for parts 1981-2-1 West German Private (unlikely)
DD 572 USS Dyson Acquired for spare parts 1982-2-1 Greek Navy (unlikely)
DD 578 USS Wikes Intentionally sunk as target 1974-4-8
DD 583 USS Hall Decommissioned/Stricken 1990-10-1 Greek Navy (unlikely)
DD 585 USS Haraden Intentionally sunk as target 1973-11-1
DD 587 USS Bell Intentionally sunk as target 1975-5-11
DD 588 USS Burns Intentionally sunk as target 1974-6-20
DD 592 USS Howorth Intentionally sunk off San Diego 1962-3-8
DD 630 USS Braine Intentionally sunk during test of Exocet missiles 1986-11-19 Argentina Navy (unlikely)
DD 652 USS Ingersoll Intentionally sunk as target 1974-5-19
DD 657 USS Charles J Badger Acquired for spare parts 1974-5-10 Chilean Navy (unlikely)
DD 658 USS Colahan Intentionally sunk off California 1966-12-18
DD 665 USS Bryant Intentionally sunk at target off California 1969-8-24
DD 670 USS Dortch Decommissioned/Stricken 1977-1-1 Argentina Private (unlikely)
DD 673 USS Hickox Decommissioned/Stricken 1989-1-1 South Korean Private (unlikely)
DD 674 USS Lewis Hancock Decommissioned/Stricken 1989-1-1 Brazilian Private (unlikely)
DD 678 USS McGowan Decommissioned/Stricken 1988-1-1 Spanish Private (unlikely)
DD 681 USS Hopewell Intentionally sunk off California 1972-2-11
DD 682 USS Poterfield Intentionally sunk as target 1976-1-1
DD 685 USS Picking Intentionally sunk as target 1976-6-1
DD 689 USS Wadleigh Decommissioned/Stricken 1983-1-1 Chilean Private (unlikely)
DD 794 USS Irwin Decommissioned/Stricken 1978-1-1 Brazilian Navy (unlikely)
DD 795 USS Preston Decommissioned/Stricken 1981-1-1 Turkish Navy (unlikely)
DD 796 USS Benham Decommissioned/Stricken 1980-1-1 Peruvian Navy (unlikely)
DD 797 USS Cushing Decommissioned/Stricken 1982-1-1 Brazilian Navy (unlikely)
DD 799 USS Jarvis Decommissioned/Stricken 1982-1-1 Spanish Navy (unlikely)
DD 802 USS Gregory Intentionally Sunk 1971-3-4 Grounded and used as target on San Clemente Island, California
DD 804 USS Rooks Decommissioned/Stricken 1983-1-1 Chilean Navy (unlikely)

All of the rest are one of the following:
A museum ship (includeing USS The Sullivans)
Sunk somewhere else
Sold for scrap

The "Unlikelies" are geographically unlikely.

Next I'll checkout the "likelies"


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