
Re: Re: Re: DFG Marine Wardens Snare Poacher Inside New Marine Protected Area

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Posted by Bubbapug1 on January 29, 2012 at 20:34:21:

In Reply to: Re: Re: DFG Marine Wardens Snare Poacher Inside New Marine Protected Area posted by halibug on January 19, 2012 at 08:32:10:

MPA, MLPA, No Take Zone, DFG, DOJ, DEA, FBI, IRS....it really doesn't matter. The state can regulate and outlaw anything they want, but that doesn't stop 25% of the population from poaching, doing drugs, stealing, cheating on their taxes, or obtaining guns illegally....some even stoop to the level of running for congress! to really rape and pillage on a grand scale.

We all know who one the war on drugs....

We all know gun control doesn't work to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, just lawfully abiding citizens who than make easier targets for non law abiding citizens.

And here again we see no take zones just make for richer hunting grounds for some willing to not read the fine print....and they also put a lot of legal minded citizens out of jobs or unable to pursue what once was a enjoyable hobby.

Lifetime ban on scuba??? Really? I don't think that would scare anyone with access to an industrial compressor....or a straw buyer. What next? Ankle braclets which blow up when contacting sea water? Why not simple solutions like an accidental drowning...In the squad car on the way to the holding tank....

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