
Proposed Experimental Abalone Fishery at San Miguel Island Declined

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Stephen Benavides on December 12, 2012 at 06:43:32:

Fellow Divers:

Yesterday at San Diego the Marine Resource Committee of the California Fish and Game Commission said it will not recommend the implementation of this commercial fishery on San Miguel Island at this time due to concerns about the viability of the resource there.

I want to personally thank all of you who wrote letters or sent emails. The letters were most important and there were plenty to get the point across and they were well written. Thank you for your concern and action. This was a good result but you can be assured that with the price of an abalone of $200 each on the street there will be unrelenting pressure to reopen the commercial fishery and poaching in the North Coast abalone beds is at an all time high.

There is a cost for protecting scarce marine resources and it requires a lot of effort and your contributions to the cause by buying Abalone Report Cards with your licenses provides several hundred thousands of dollars per year to assist with scientific modeling and additional enforcement in abalone rich areas of northern California

Thank You All!
Stephen G. Benavides


"He who speculates from the shore about the ocean shall know only its surface, but he who would know the depths of the ocean must be willing to plunge into it."

-Meher Baba

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