
Re: I like optimum

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by iuhalt on April 11, 2013 at 22:10:03:

In Reply to: I like optimum posted by Brad on April 11, 2013 at 16:15:13:

Late to the argument but I guess I will jump in.
The numbers of sea lions are increasing and the more sea lions you have the more competition for food you are going to have. More competition mean they will have more competition with humans and other sea lions. This is going to lead to mortality of the young and the old and there isn't going to be a way to avoid it. I don't think anyone is really suggesting the shooting of sea lions by captains or the starvation of pup is a good thing. I do think people are recognizing that the growth of the sea lion population, which is a sign of recovery of the local ecosystem, does cause the natural course of population control to be more in our face. Note, I am also recognizing that the ceiling for population limit is likely influence on local commercial fishing. That being said that possible lowering of the population limit ceiling by local fishing isn't threatening the species with extinction or dramatically reducing frequency of seal existence in local water.
I have walked the beaches of Palos Verdes for the past 20 years seal do die of "natural" causes. It isn't always a wrongdoing by humans

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