
Thank you Eric S

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Brad on April 12, 2013 at 14:33:21:

In Reply to: Re: Re: Sea Lion pup strandings posted by Eric S on April 12, 2013 at 13:28:25:

The living resources of the state belong to ALL of the residents, so why do we allow a handfull of individuals extract OUR resourse and sell it to a foreign market? Most of OUR sardines goes to the japaneese longline fleet for bait. OUR squid goes straight to china--

This massive depletion of our waters is enriching a literal handful of people--the rest of us deal with the negetive effects of their personal enrichment.

Everyone wants to complain about the symptoms of the larger problen, but NO ONE wants to look at the root problem--

'too many seal lions' is the height of denial and only leads to the further obviscation of the reality that could actually lead to a long term solution.

Face it, our generation has seen the biggest and the best that these waters will ever have to offer--There are no more 40lb sheephead! no more 40lb lingcod, There are no more homeguard yellowtail! I haven't seen a pile-up in over a decade.. it's time we all showed a little grace toward those who come after us.

If we are going to put place for this stark depletion, let us at least have the honesty to not blame the victims of this exploited environment!

Unbridaled commercial fishing is the enemy, not the sea lions..

Last thought: If 'we' are going to allow a depletion of species, i would hope that the specie would be depleted by individuals rather than any for-profit entity!

After all it belonges to the residents and NOT some export company.

Instead of betching about sea lions--FIX THE PROBLEM!

(Eric are you the same person that i exchanged underwater pictures so many years ago? Regardless, i appreciate your sentiments very much!)

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