Chris Grossman's Underwater Photography
and Surface SCUBA Diving Photography

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

California Scuba Diving BBSTM - The California Scuba Diving Open ForumTM
Chris Grossman's Underwater Photography from 2008
Kelletia kelletii (Kellet's Whelk)

The Wrecks of the Palawan & Avalon, plus Old Marineland
aboard the Great Escape
December 16, 2007

Ophioderma panamensis (Banded Serpent Star)

Santa Cruz Island
aboard the Peace with the Sea Divers
December 1-2, 2007

Xystreurys liolepis (Fantail Sole)

Catalina Island
aboard the Great Escape
November 24, 2007

Happy Sea Divers with their bugs!

Santa Rosa & Santa Cruz Islands
aboard the Peace with the Sea Divers
October 21-22, 2007


Bugzilla! - Santa Barbara Island

aboard the Peace with the Sea Divers
October 2-3, 2007

A small Sebastes carnatus (Gopher Rockfish) sitting on Hippodiplosia insculpta (fluted bryozoan)

The Pinnacles of San Miguel Island
aboard the Peace with the Sea Divers
Septrember 7-8, 2007


San Clemente & Catalina Islands
aboard the Great Escape
September 1-3, 2007

Rathbunella hypoplecta (Stripefin Ronquil, Smooth Ronquil)

The Wrecks of the Palawan & Avalon,
plus the North Hyperion Outfall Pipe
aboard the Sea Bass with the Sea Divers
August 25, 2007

Urticina columbiana

San Miguel Island
aboard the Peace with Sea Divers
July 27-28, 2007

Trachurus symmetricus (Mackerel Jack)

Catalina and Santa Barbara Islands
aboard the Peace
July 13-14, 2007

Phimochirus californiensis

Catalina Island
aboard the Great Escape
July 4, 2007

Sebastes atrovirens (Kelp Rockfish)

Catalina Island
aboard the Great Escape
July 1, 2007

Hermissenda crassicornis laying eggs
Farnsworth Bank & Whale Rock, Catalina Island
aboard the Magician with the Sea Divers
June 3, 2007
Gymnothorax mordax (California Moray)
San Clemente Island
aboard the Great Escape
May 26-28, 2007
Tethyaster canaliculatus (Channeled Star)
Coranado Islands, Mexico
aboard the Ocean Odyssey with the Sea Divers
March 24, 2007
Thelepus crispus (Terebellid Worm)

Santa Cruz Island
aboard the Peace with the Sea Sons
March 17-18, 2007

Debbie Karimoto and Elaine Jobin

Santa Catalina Island
aboard the Magician with the Sea Divers
February 11, 2007

Chris Grossman's Underwater Photography from 2006
© Chris Grossman, diver.net