Pre-Implantation Reproductive Procedure Results Summary For The Simpson Family

Of 100 fertilized embryos from your recent initial reproductive procedure:
8 embryos show random genetic damage likely to have occurred during recombination or perhaps even a normal mutation. These are likely to have serious problems, including conditions comparable to Downs Syndrome or Dementia.
22 embryos carry undesirable genes from the father that we were aware of before conception, including a high potential for heart problems, schizophrenia and colon cancer.
36 embryos carry undesirable genes from the Mother that we were aware of before conception, including a high potential for PKU, high blood pressure, dyslexia and liver cancer.
All of these embryos are considered poor candidates for bringing to term since the offspring would have a high potential for health problems.

Of the remaining 36 embryos, there are 6 that have good combinations of the traits that the parents selected as the best potentials that they both have.
See initial interview detail pages.

All 6 embryos carry integral traits characteristic of the Saxon Tribes. This was the primary tribal base requested by the parents.
All 6 embryos carry the basic general caste and tribal traits that both parents carry.
All 6 embryos carry the best potentials of intelligence from both parents, including the 'zagwap' trait that seems to enhance the individuals basic technical intelligence.
All 6 embryos carry the traits for slightly elevated dopamine levels that have been shown to make obsessive compulsive behaviors, including drug addiction, most manageable.
All 6 embryos carry the traits for faith.

Particular positive traits inherited from the mother include:
Potentials for superior physical beauty from the mother's side including physical breast structure and facial bone structure.
The genes from the mother's side that contribute to the exceptional efficiency of the mother's heart. The mother's superior immune response mechanisms.
See detail sheets for analysis.

Particular positive traits inherited from the father include:
The traits that have contributed to characteristic longevity of the father's family.
The psychological stability characteristic of the father's family, including humor.
The singing potential from the father's family.
The excellent teeth of the father.
None off these embryos have the extremely light complexion of the father that you had voiced concern about.
See detail sheets for analysis.

The biggest variation between the embryos, in categories not considered to be of primary importance by the parents, include eye color, some arm bone structure and certain potentials for spatial analysis. You may decide to choose which embryos to finally bring to term based on that information or you may decide not to use that information and follow the statistical analysis included.
See detail sheets for analysis.

Multi-generational considerations: Family has stated no current multi-generational genetic strategies.

Accuracy level of this analysis is - 95% +- 4% Uncertainty level of this analysis is - 15% +- 5%
Relative composite hybridization of parents - 81%
Relative hybridization of offspring +3%, +5%, -1%, +2%, +1%, + 6% respectively
See detail sheets for analysis.

We would like to thank you for your business and your trust in allowing us to assist you in this most important decision that you can make.

FamEugen Inc. - Trusted to help parents make healthy families for over 50 years.
A Subsidiary of Breedo Industries

Preparers Initial Interview Notes:

This is a seemingly very healthy, intelligent, attractive couple, both of western European descent. (Called white bread in the business - Typical Sumerian, Semitic, Indo-European, Celtic natural hybrid). Neither have distinct hereditary weaknesses, though they both carry minor liabilities that can probably be reduced by at least 60 percent in this generation using a selection from 100 zygotes.
Not surprisingly, they have requested a selective bias for Saxon tribal potentials. They both carry these potentials, so it should not be hard to achieve a 100% homozygous condition for these traits in the children.

Preparers Post Procedural Notes:

It seems that we have been able to achieve a very good success rate with the initial 100 zygotes. Of the final 6 selected as having the best potentials, they all have the Saxon Tribal potentials as requested by the parents.
Since this is the first generation to use artificial selection, the potentials for improvement are statistically the greatest. Estimates (or better stated, guestimates) of improvement over the parents are:
Mechanical/technical intelligence should increase by 15%.
Social intelligence should increase by 5%.
Overall health should increase by 20%.
Lifespan should increase by 7%.
The children should have their mother's physical beauty and their fathers ability to sing.
This is considered a very successful procedure.

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