Dear Richard

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by Elaine on February 27, 2005 at 17:41:54:

In Reply to: What would happen if. posted by Richard on February 27, 2005 at 17:20:16:

I don't know how to say this nicely. If you are looking for reasons to sue people - please don't go diving. I don't want you as a "dive buddy", or even in the same ocean, anywhere near me. This is the kind of thinking that will kill you and probably me too if you unreasonably expect me to help you.

Diving is dangerous sport. It is a sport where you have to be willing to accept a great deal of responsibility for yourself. Some people like accepting these risks and mastering their own safety, others don't like it. Accept the risks or stay home.

You have got to accept that diving involves going out on a boat - unless you are shore diving. If you don't trust the boat captains that have been doing this for years - and who don't want anything to happen to you or their boat any more than you do, stay off of the boats. Boats are too dangerous for you if you need continual gruarantees of absolute safety.

Where did you come up with your definition of a small craft? Have you ever been caught unexpectedly in a storm? Have you ever found anyone who can accurately predict the weather? If you don't feel safe with the judgements of an experienced captain then you need God at the helm, not a human.

If you are obsessed with an answer to this guestion - I think that you are recognizing your limitation with the sport and maybe need to quit doing it. Listen to yourself. No one is forcing you go get on a boat and go diving.

This kind of thinking has ruined many activities for all of us. Please stay home. could accept a little responsibility for yourself and talk to the boat captain and see if you feel comfortable with him and are willing to work in a partnership to help take care of yourself if the going gets rough.

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