Posted by Master Diver on August 01, 2000 at 16:39:07:
I've been keeping track of all this B/S about protecting a few species of shark which I find to be outrageous. I understand that some sharks do help as scavengers of the sea of dead or weak sea animals, but they also pose as an increasing threat to humans. Certain varieties such as the Great White,Tiger,Mako,Bull,and HammerHead are a stalking,predatory vicious species that will attack unprovoked.The idea is like letting a Lion loose on the streets of downtown New York. Sure we are in its domain,but the entire eart is someones domain and all species have the right to protect its well being from predatory threat. When I see some of these animal rights wackos turning Great Whites and Tigers back to the sea,its insane, Those same sharks may be the ones that attack and kill innocent swimmers or divers,. Don't bother with these silly statistics. We've heard the lightening strike speech before.Nurse sharks are harmless and I wouldnt think of harming one,but the top predatory beasts can all go to extinction.No I"m not some nut,just someone who has been a victim and have seen others in the same situation. When you've been in our shoes then criticize. Its time to wake up to reality !!!!! Pardon spelling,had several texts to type out. PS, I've been on shark feeding dives and enjoyed it,but these wern't pecies such as Great White or Tiger shark varieties,whic divers would only observe in a shark cage. There are only a handfull species which are a high-profile threat,and I for one have no sympathy for their demise. I know this message will be met with hate mail for my view,but I came to this after many events of experience and observing crisis situations and finally listening to victims for a chance !!!