Posted by BENTMAN on August 28, 2000 at 18:27:58:
In Reply to: Fatality at Casino Point? posted by CalDiver on August 28, 2000 at 11:33:02:
Lets get ALL OF THE FACTS. Number 1, he was outside the park and east of it looking for an anchor. He was wearing doubles and was a well known and learned diver. He did NOT take off his BC to lift the anchor. He was using a lift bag, and it got tangled with his body some how, and lifted him up too fast, then he embolimized, and probably died. Before he embolizied, he tried to take the anchor off of his body by taking off his BC, to stop his rapid ascent. It worked but by that time, he was dead and the weight belt pulled him back down to 100+ feet where he was found by the lifeguards. Apparently, he had foam and blood in his mask, from an embolism. Lets us all learn from this mistake and give our sympathies to his wife that was over the whole thing watching everything unfold in front of her. God Bless Her.