Posted by MHK on March 29, 2001 at 15:33:27:
As many of you know I am a active supporter of the Chamber, but what many of you may not know is that often times there is a tremendous amount of misinformation with respect to the chamber funding.
I want to make this perfectly clear in that I AM SPEAKING FOR MYSLEF ONLY AND NOT AS AN OFFICIAL CHAMBER SPOKESPERSON, and should anyone have any questions that need to be addressed on behalf of the Chamber that Karl remains available and will address any concerns.
As I understand the mechanics, L.A. County is responsible for approximatley 60% of the overall funding needs, and have committed for the next couple of years to that amount. The remaining needs to be raised from private sources ( ie; Chamber day). The Chamber is a qualified 501(c)(3) organization and as such is REQUIRED under federal law to have it's books and records available for public inspection upon proper notice, and I invite everyone to take a look..
For the last several years that I have been involved it always seems as though someone raises a concern that has ABSOLUTELY no merit to it, but yet casts an suggestive light upon the chamber.. There is an OPEN DOOR policy and there should be absolutely no doubt upon the character and integrity of the chamber..
I'm dealing, in private correspondence, with yet another attempt to cast ospersions upon the chamber and it's pissing me off..
EVERY diver should thank God that we have this chamber available 24/7 365 days a year, we should all be thankful that we have someone as high caliber as Karl Huggins heading it, and every diver should know that the books and records are always available for inspection..Northridge has closed it's chamber, Long Beach is not available 24/7 and we are lucky to have Catalina.
So in short I'm sick of anonymous people with little, if any, fact to support these b*llsh*t notions...
Every penny that is contributed and/or spent is money very well spent and/or contributed and before anyone thinks of casting doubt the books and records are available, Karl is always available and this kind of nonsense needs to stop, and the chamber should not be put in a position of wasting time chasing down reckless and irresponsible rumors that have no basis in fact, no merit and are putforth under the cover of anonimity..
If you have a comment, state your case, let's address it but the chamber isn't guilty until proven innocent and be advised that I'm 100% behind the chamber and I'll stand a lot less for that kind of nonsens than will Karl..
I state my name to everything I post and will continue to do so, but those that suggest B*llsh*t under anonimity should not be taken seriously...