Re: DIR questions

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Posted by MHK on April 09, 2001 at 09:48:36:

In Reply to: DIR questions posted by AADIVER on April 08, 2001 at 14:34:26:


The SS BP is very stable and can handle any size or weight doubles. Furthermore it allows the diver to take 6 lbs off the weightbelt..

As for OOA, the answer is hopefully never, but it could happen. As we have noted on numerous ocasions the 7' hose is primarily used in overhead environments ( ie; wrecks and caves) this is done so in the event of an OOA situation both the donating diver and the recipient of the long hose may exit areas that are very restricted as is frequently the case when you are inside a wreck or a cave. If you used the standard length hose it is very unlikely that both divers could exit a passageway that only has enough room for one person. While I have never run OOA you can bet your life that we have trained for this scenario many times and even in such diver friendly, man made wrecks such as the Yukon, there are many places that there simply isn't enough room for two divers with equipment to fit through.

In the open ocean we recommend a 5' hose and do so because it provides ample room for the donating diver to share air while also allwoing him/her to watch the surroundings, to keep a paniced OOA diver a few feet away to insure the donating diver is safe and it allows a diver to be able to turn his head and look for things such as the boat, help or what have you.

Frank, someone need only run OOA once and just because it doesn't happen often doesn't mean that we don't prepare for it.. In the event someone is unprepared for it the consequences are likely death and that is a risk that is too high for me and the guys/girls I dive with...

Hope that helps...


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