Hey Chris read this article that I've copied

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Posted by MHK on July 19, 2001 at 11:19:40:

In Reply to: Hypocracy posted by Chris on July 19, 2001 at 10:50:32:

Coincidentally, over on the Rodales board somebody just posted this..

It seems going back as far as 1976 they identified diving without a bc was simply a macho-thing...

Get with the times Chris....

. I was looking for something in an old Skin Diver magazine, the April 1976 issue, and happened across an article entitled "THE INS AND OUTS OF BUOYANCY COMPENSATORS" by Jack McKenney. The following is the first two paragraphs of that article.

The state of the art of sport scuba diving has evolved over the last few years to the point where the octopus regulator, the submersible pressure gauge and the buoyancy compensator are now considered to be standard pieces of equipment rather than just accessories.

They have evolved out of necessity. Diving accident researchers are finding out that the safest and best approach to sharing one's air supply is with an additional second stage octopus. The submersible pressure gauge, of course, allows a diver to constantly monitor his time underwater and effectively and safely plan his dive. From a safety standpoint, the BC is a container of air to support a weary diver at the surface. But equally important, it is a tool which allows that diver to adjust for neutral buoyancy underwater and also lift him upward through the water, if necessary.

Before the widespread use of the BC, the most common cause of diver fatalities was drowning on or near the surface. This was a major consideration in the development and promotion of the BC. But back in the 70's, many of the "macho divers" considered the BC to be a life preserver for sissies, and it was common opinion that the only reason it was marketed as a "buoyancy compensator" was to remove some of the stigma associated with diving in a PFD. So I find it very ironic that the marketing strategy is now perceived as the true function of this device.

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