Re: Explanation of *on the fly computing* :; correction?

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by AADIVER on July 19, 2001 at 22:16:04:

In Reply to: Explanation of *on the fly computing* - LONG posted by MHK on July 19, 2001 at 15:38:49:

You state:

"40' equals 80 minutes NDL"
"50' equals 70 minutes NDL"

Uh, excuse me, but 40' on 21% gives us 200 minutes NDL and 50' gives us 100 minutes NDL.

40' on 32% is an EAD of 30' and 50'is an EAD of 38', giving us even more NDL bottom time; the primary advantage of using Nitrox.

I assume from your explanation that the 32% to 100' is computed as though it was 21%. So are you mandating that we all pay 8 to 10 dollars for our "air" fills and treat them as though they cost 4 dollars? Do we ignore the increased bottom times that Nitrox affords us? Must we all become blending certified, buy personal compressors, and rent big O2 tanks, because there are damn few Nitrox fill shops in L.A., only one in the entire San Fernando Valley.

As to averaging depths, doesn't that require almost constant attention to depth and time throughout the dive? If so, how much focus and concentration is left for the buddy and what we're diving on and for in the first place?

Some simple questions from a simple diver, no flame intended.

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