Computer vs tables for bottom time

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Posted by Steve on July 22, 2001 at 17:52:48:

MHK wrote:
"I hear all the time that *my computer gives me more bottom time* and immediatley I know that diver doesn't knwo what the hell he/she is talking about.. The computer does no such thing.. It's a different means to the same end..."

I dove the Yukon using air Saturday and have downloaded profiles from a Suunto Cobra work with.

Dive #1) max depth of 91' with an average depth of 75' for 25 minutes bottom time prior to the ascent.

Questions: Come on divers get out your tables and tell me what letter group the first dive ended with? Then after 100 minutes sit time what letter group will my next dive start with? What is my adjusted max bottom time for my next dive to 70', 80' and 90'?


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