Re: A few things/stats & numbers

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by MHK on July 25, 2001 at 09:47:40:

In Reply to: Re: A few things/stats & numbers posted by Ken Kurtis on July 24, 2001 at 23:14:22:

I assuemed he was talking about bodies but I was with someone else when he came over so I was on teh fringe of the conversation. Terry and Walker were with Irvine when he came over to thank us for our efforts at promoting diving safety so maybe they can add their point of view..

He is the ex-marine that walks around shirtless and has a bad scare on his stomach. I didn't get his name and I don't plan on being at Casino Point any time in the near future, but as I recall you go there pretty often so perhaps you could ask him next time.. He's a pretty distinguishable guy due to the scares on his stomach..

To speak to your point about 8 fatalities in 1988, using DAN's number's, what is your thoughts that we increased that to 12 last year. That's a 50% increase and that is just the ones that I know about. If we are going to point out statistics and use them as support for certain claims then we need to look at them when it paints a bad picture as well.. They way PADI / Sport Chalet are churning the wheel we'll be catching Florida in no time and we don't even have any caves..

The dive industry would have you ignore these trends and even using the dive industry stat's, it's a pathetic downhill slide and I'd like to see more outrage and less watering down of training..

Just go see for yourself. Spend a weekend over at Casino Point and watch for everything that I have pointed out.. Sport Chalet will snorkel over to the line, pull the students down the line and then sit in the sand and do nothing else.. It's a joke..


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