Chris, or any other moderator..

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Posted by MHK on July 26, 2001 at 10:23:56:

Could you guys please clue us in on the rules of the game.. Given that the unilaterral decision to edit what stays and what goes rests in your secretive and selective hands, can you give us a little help???

For example, Chris you say we are zealots, cultists and BS artists and that stays..

I can never finish any of Seahunt's posts but I seem to remeber him calling us liars, morons and dumb..

We all know it's your ball and you'll take it and go home whenever you want, but the double standard is so blatant that since we are now in to *telling like it is*, I just thought some of us who get attacked regularly by you and Seahunt should know what we can say and what we can't subject to your selective and manipulative editing process.

I know it's nearing the end of the month and you want to charge for each post but that trick has already been exposed in your playbook..

Have you guys have no shame or pride..


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