shopping around for my Cert

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by Badfish on August 09, 2001 at 19:46:57:

I found this board two weeks ago and have been studing your messages.
I have learned a bit and now have changed my mind about were and how to get my Cert.
I almost started the class last week at Sport Chalet, but changed my mind. and now i found a shop that when i went in to take to the instructor the first thing he taked about was Safty safty safty.

He also lets you come down to there pool and pratice as much as you want and the intructor will even get in with you and help you out.

One thing, they dont teach you to dive in wet suits, only dry suit. says its better, cause it keeps you warmer.

My question is, is that correct? can you dive in so Cal in a wet suit?
my long term goals are to study hard and learn wreck diving.

Any points on want i should look for in an instructor would be helpful


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