Re: Nitrox for Open Water class??

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Posted by geoa on August 12, 2001 at 14:49:00:

In Reply to: Nitrox for Open Water class?? posted by BadFish on August 12, 2001 at 10:48:32:

I'd like to see the instructors as well as the dm's using it in the bow classes. We are doing this in our classes where I dm. And yes, I believe in using the "silly banners" primarily because I have about 6 tanks in my truck and I need to know which is which. Also I think that while teaching students about the harmful effects of nitrogen this will lead to students going, "Hmmmmmm, would'nt it make sense to breathe less nitrogen?" And then we can have a discussion about recreational nitrox. 32 and 36 should be de-mystified. I think the entry level student thinks nitrox is for extended range tech divers only and this is wrong. Later the interested diver can learn about tri-mix but thats way down the road. I see the students checking out the tanks that the instructors and dm's are using because they have the "silly stickers" The decals are'nt for the guy at the fill station or to impress chicks.

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