Re: Regulator

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Posted by Glenn on August 29, 2001 at 16:41:02:

In Reply to: Re: Regulator posted by kelphead on August 29, 2001 at 15:47:40:

"the way i understood this info is that the
'scubapro' 1st stage can be tuned so that it
can deliver up to a max of 140psi, while the
'sherwood' could only deliver a max of 100psi.

obviously, this means that the 'scubpro' 1st stage
can deliver more air than the 'sherwood' 1st stage.


Don't confuse pressure with volume. Just because something operates at a higher pressure, it doesn't mean it can deliver more and vice-versa. How it is valved will have a lot to do with it and how well it can maintain a certain pressure when a load is put on.

As an example, if you were to push 20 psi of water through a silly straw vs. 5 psi or water out a garden hose, you would get more water out of the garden hose than you would with the straw.

Dive the reg and see how it performs for you. Perhaps it is too big and heavy. Perhaps it has bubble interference. You just won't know until you try it for yourself. Make sure it is a balanced reg. Piston or diaprahm, they both have pros and cons. Balancing is important as it helps ensure easy breathing when tank gets low.

I myself dive with a USD Micra w/ Titan first stage. It offers easy breathing at depth and has no problem delivering air when I'm working hard. It's small and light, so there is no jaw fatigue. Biggest downside is that because it is so small it has plenty of bubble intereference. In a horizontal position the bubbles are not an issue, but when vertical they are. To me though, the small size benefit outweighs the bubble intereference downside. Breathes pretty well upside down as well. So check out different swimming positions with a reg and see how it works for you. If you aren't comfortable with it, try another.


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